Judith has experience in public international law, investor-State, commercial, administrative law, and sports disputes. She has sat as arbitrator in over 50 arbitrations arising out of a variety of industries, including oil and gas, renewable energy, transport and aviation, maritime and fisheries, telecommunications and satellites, mining, agriculture, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, banking, insurance, construction, labour and worker safety, sports, and the international sale of goods. A representative list of cases is below (links to public cases are available via the downloadable CV on this site).
​​As Sole Arbitrator
​Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) under UNCITRAL Rules and Denmark-Tanzania BIT, PCA Case No. 2023-11 Mr Finn Von Würden Petersen v. The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania
Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC). Expedited Rules. Parties from Singapore, USA, Canada and PRC. Singapore law and seat. Dispute related to loan agreement and guarantee agreement connected with port project.
Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC). Parties from Bermuda, Hong Kong, Cayman Islands. Hong Kong seat and law. Dispute arising under loan agreements.
​Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS). Lausanne seat. Swiss law. Dispute between Middle Eastern football club and South American agent.​
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Parties from People's Republic of China and Ukraine. Singapore seat. Dispute over authenticity and performance of bank guarantee connected with supplies for an energy plant.
SIAC. Expedited Rules. Parties from Singapore & Philippines. Singapore law and seat. Dispute between telecommunications service provider and carrier.
Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA). Parties from Australia and People's Republic of China. Sydney seat. Australian law. Dispute over sale of manufacturing equipment in timber industry.
ICC. Parties from France and Singapore, French law, Paris seat. Dispute over services in aviation industry and compliance with anti-corruption obligations.
SIAC. Expedited Rules. Parties from UK and Singapore. Singapore law and seat. Dispute over employment contract in legal services industry.
SIAC. Singapore parties, law and seat. Dispute concerns sale of coal.
SIAC. Singapore parties, law and seat. Dispute concerns marketing of coal.
ICC. Expedited Rules. Parties from Spain and Germany, English law, Paris seat. Dispute over contract for sale of chemicals and insurance.
ICC. Singapore parties, law and seat. Dispute over services in aviation industry and compliance with anti-corruption obligations.
ICC. Parties from Japan and U.S.A., New York law and seat. Dispute over film distribution.
As Co-Arbitrator / Co-Panellist / Committee Member
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Member of ad hoc Annulment Committee in ICSID Case No. ARB/17/21 - DP World Limited v. Kingdom of Belgium.​
ICSID. Dispute under NAFTA & USMCA. ICSID Case No. UNCT/23/2 Westmoreland Coal Company (USA) v. Canada.​
Commonwealth Secretariat Arbitral Tribunal (CSAT). Empanelled as appeal judge in two employment-related disputes under international administrative law.
PCA, under UNCITRAL Rules. Dispute between foreign investors and a State under a national investment law and bilateral investment treaty (details not public).
Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (KCAB) International. Parties from Middle East and Asia. Korean law and Seoul seat. Dispute over purchase contract in technology industry.
Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC). Parties from Syria, Austria and UAE. Dubai seat. Cayman Islands law. Contract dispute arising out of subscription agreement for purchase of shares in connection with development of residential property project.
PCA under UNCITRAL Rules and UK-Belize BIT. PCA Case No. 2023-38 British Caribbean Bank Ltd & Prize Holdings International Ltd v. The Government of Belize.
PCA, UNCITRAL Rules. Parties from UK and BVI. English law and Geneva seat. Dispute over shareholders agreement and joint venture related to plastics manufacturing plant in Asia.
ICC. Parties from the Netherlands, BVI, India, Taiwan ROC. Singapore law and seat. Dispute over shareholders' agreement in context of automotive manufacturing industry. ​
National Sports Tribunal (NST). Complaint under a Member Protection Policy, involving club, state and national sporting organisation.
CAS. Lausanne seat. Dispute between national body and international sports federation over governance issue, notification of rule change.
CAS. Lausanne seat. Appeal by athlete against anti-doping violations.
CAS. Lausanne seat. Appeal from first instance decision of national body disciplining a player.
CAS. Lausanne seat. Appeal in disciplinary dispute between athlete and federation.
CAS. Lausanne seat. Appeal from first instance decision in dispute over transfer of football player.
As Presiding Arbitrator
ICSID. Dispute under Investment Promotion Act (2009) of South Sudan. ICSID Case No. ARB 24/36 PETRONAS International Corporation Ltd. v. Republic of South Sudan.
ICSID. Dispute under US-Georgia BIT. ICSID Case No. ARB/23/45 Mirian G. Dekanoidze and T.G. Trade LLC v. Georgia.
​ICC. Parties from Jordan and China. English law, Hong Kong seat. Dispute over guarantee related to construction of a power plant.​
PCA under UNCITRAL Rules & Israel/Ethiopia BIT. PCA Case No. 2023-39 1. Menashe Levy (Israel) 2. Tidhar - Excavation and Earth Moving Ltd. (Israel) v. The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
ACICA under UNCITRAL Rules. Parties from Australia and India. Sydney seat. Australian law (NSW). Dispute under agreements to provide consulting services and cooperate in seeking opportunities.
UNCITRAL Rules and BIT. Dispute under a bilateral investment treaty (details not public).
ICC. Parties from the Netherlands and Israel. Israeli law, Tel Aviv seat. Dispute over supply agreement in connection with construction project in Middle East.
ICC. Parties from Europe and Africa. Ghanaian law, London seat. Dispute re: energy industry and taxation.
ICC. Parties from Malaysia and Japan. Singapore law and seat. Dispute over sale agreement in energy industry.
HKIAC. Parties from People's Republic of China and Cayman Islands. Hong Kong seat, Cayman Islands law. Dispute over a limited partnership engaged in real estate investments.
ICC. Parties from Korea and North Macedonia. Korean law, Seoul seat. Dispute over international sale of goods.
ICC. Parties from Korea and Singapore. Korean law, Seoul seat. Dispute over share purchase agreement in context of cosmetics industry.
HKIAC. Parties from Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, and BVI. New York law and Hong Kong seat. Dispute over shareholders' agreement in context of restaurant industry..
KCAB International. Parties from Korea and USA. Korean law, Seoul seat. Dispute over distribution agreement for IT products, related litigation. ​​​​
CAS. Lausanne seat. Dispute between player and agent.
Ad hoc panel constituted by Australian national sporting body to hear complaint under membership protection policy.
NST. Urgent appeal by one team against another and national sports organisation concerning first instance decision declaring no result for 'Covid-impacted' games in Australian Baseball League.​
ICC. Expedited Rules. Parties from Malawi and UAE, English law and CISG, London seat. Dispute over sale of fertiliser.
Independent Privilege Inspector, PCA. Confidential investor-state arbitration under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. Renewable energy sector. Appointed by tribunal and parties to review documents and make recommendations on privilege claims. ​​
Senior Member, New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT). Decide administrative law disputes between citizens and state government entities (including licensing disputes, professional disciplinary matters and access to government information). Appointed 2021, reappointed 2022 (until 2027). Over fifteen decisions rendered, all public.
Registrar in the Abyei Arbitration at the PCA (Government of Sudan / Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army) (intra-state dispute under special agreement reviewing decision of boundary commission).
Registrar in the South China Sea Arbitration at the PCA (Philippines v. China) (UN Convention on Law of the Sea, Annex VII).
Registrar in the Atlanto-Scandian Herring Arbitration (Kingdom of Denmark in respect of the Faroe Islands v. European Union (UN Convention on Law of the Sea, Annex VII).​
Tribunal Secretary in over 30 investment treaty arbitrations under the UNCITRAL Rules at the PCA. Non-confidential cases include Allard v. Barbados (BIT, nature sanctuary); Almas v. Poland (BIT, agriculture), Eureko/Achmea v. Slovak Republic (BIT, health insurance), 3 claims by former shareholders of Yukos against the Russian Federation (ECT, oil company); Natland et al. v. Czech Republic (ECT/BIT, solar energy). ​
Tribunal Secretary in the Bangladesh Accord Arbitrations at PCA (multiple claims in two related cases re: compliance with unique industry-wide agreement among unions and fashion brands for worker safety in Bangladesh ready-made garment industry).
Tribunal Secretary in over 10 confidential contract-based disputes between public and private entities at the PCA.
Assisted PCA Secretary-General with over 25 appointment requests and challenges submitted under UNCITRAL Rules.
Served as Tribunal Secretary (at PCA, then in private capacity) in ad hoc arbitration involving gas contract dispute in Middle East, seated in London, administered by PCA.
As a director and office holder of ACICA, have frequently engaged in procedural decisions including on appointments, joinder, consolidation, and application of expedited rules.
​Representations, while at White & Case, included:
The Republic of Indonesia in a cement privatisation dispute, Cemex v. Indonesia, the first ICSID case under 1987 ASEAN investment treaty.
The Republic of Bulgaria in provisional measures and merits phases of Plama v. Bulgaria, ICSID, Energy Charter Treaty.
A sugar company against an Eastern European sovereign State in an UNCITRAL case under a BIT.
A global bank in fraud claims over the sale of a duty free business in Latin America, ICC, New York, New York law.
A Caribbean utilities company against a Japanese contractor in a construction dispute, ICC, New York, New York law.
A Latin American construction company in a pipeline construction dispute, ICC, Geneva, New York law.
A Japanese manufacturer in a U.S. power plant construction dispute, ICDR, New York, New York law.
A U.S. satellite manufacturer in contractual dispute with customer, ICC, Paris, Japanese law; and related insurance dispute, ICDR, New York, Maryland law.
A sovereign client in advice relating to a maritime boundary.
An oil company in advice relating to a land boundary in concession area.
Frequent advice on drafting of dispute resolution clauses.